Monday, September 21, 2009

Pest Control Please!

Alright, Saturday night and last night went by without any fiascos.  But I am not taking any chances.  I looked through the phonebook this morning and found some pest control services.  Not knowing which to choose I called Master Obi-Won (since he's a bachelor and tends to leave his food in the fridge long after it's gotten old) since he would probably have experience with bugs.  He said he hadn't had any bug problems in a while but on his way to the Jeddi temple one morning he saw a billboard for "U R Doomed Pest Control."  He suggested them because, if they had enough money for a billboard they had to be good.  I thought he was right.  So I called U R Doomed and they said that their next opening would be tomorrow at 10:00 AM.  I said that was fine.  But inside I was (and still am) a raging turmoil.  What if we have another scorpion or rat or...TARAAAANTULA???  Anyway, I'll spray myself up and down with "Off" before I go to bed.

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