Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I can handle it! (I hope...)

Padmae has started something new (grr)! She decided that I don't have enough to do. Which is wrong! I mean, what with the space pirate issues and Padmae leaving recently, I have been getting a lot of exercise running around working on stuff! But, regardless of this great argument, she continues to insist that I don't do enough. So, guess what she wants me to do? She wants me to do ALL the chores this month. She would wait until Luke is at the space academy and Lea is married! It's not like I will get any help from R2, and See3P0 is far too busy to help me with this... I will have to use my intuition to get out of this one!


  1. Ah...Such are the bumps in the line of life!

  2. You will survive Anikin.Women al over the galaxy doe these things every day. so breath in and out, and get to it.

  3. I know. But, be honest. I'm not what you would call a "multi tasker"

  4. Don't worry; just invest in a good vacuum, cleaner, and mop!
